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Etisalat Unlimited Free Browsing With 0.0k Via QueenCee VPN

You might have heard or seen someone using this useful internet network tool (an application) called QueenCee or maybe you already have it installed on your smartphone. QueenCee VPN is mainly a network bypassing tool just like the Psiphon. It is designed in such a way that it evades internet censorship.

» For steady connection, download QueenCee VPN 6 Ultra Lite -Download it here

Etisalat Unlimited Free browsing Setting
» Use the Etisalat default APN for your phone setting i.e APN should be etisalat and both username and password, leave them empty

Launch Psiphon Handler, in the handler menu:
» Proxy Server Type: Real Host
» Proxy Server: ent.nxtfwd.com/s/d/etisalat_ng#openmodal
» Real Proxy Server Type: Inject
» Real Proxy Server:
» Port: 8080
» Hit the Save button
» Immediately you click save, a pop up message will appear requesting to use Tunnel whole device, just tap on the option to Tunnel Whole Device and it will take you to the next phase 
» Choose the Option Menu
» Under this Option menu, you will see Select Region, tap and select  Netherlands   

» Go to your More Option settings and untick connect through HTTP Proxy  
» Go back now to the main page of the QueenCee VPN and tap the start button below, wait for few seconds for it to Connect. Then, fire up any browser and any other apps. 

Note: You may have to wait for about 30 minutes, before the QueenCee will connect. 
Enjoy it while it last.

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